Escape from Kuwait and breathe the air of new places

Who does not want to bunk the normal life routine to live a stress-free life for a day or maybe two? The wild adventurous spirit can never be according to the norms. So cover the earth before it covers you. This article comes as an opportunity for the people living in Kuwait to know how the outer world is and how much they should travel to feed the wanderlust soul hidden inside them.
We should travel because it is a secret tonic of creativity. Home will always be the same but something inside your mind changes every time you experience a new place. And this slight change in your mind changes everything. Here are 3 places outside Kuwait that will definitely make you realize that the money spent on travelling is the money well spent-
Istanbul, Turkey:-

Being the meeting point of Europe and Asia, it remains one of the most beautiful cities with the soaring minarets of the great Hagia Sophia. In a more metaphorical way, it is the constant beating of the wave of the east against the rock of the west.
It was known as Constantinople and is built on seven hills to match the Seven Hills of Rome. A shopaholic would definitely be interested in the grand bazaar which covers over 3000 shops. The literature fans should surely feel the positive vibes which even inspired the great authors like Paul Theroux and Earnest Hemmingway. If you are looking for packages you can check at Rehlat and for best price you can just have look on Rehlat Coupon Code at Asaan.
Petra, Jordan:-

It is the most touristic site and also the preserver of one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Founded in the VI century B.C., the city is carved from rock making it an important trading hub. The architecture is surely going to leave you breathless and you will definitely treasure it your whole life.
Getting off the path would add to the adventure. Go hiking and take the trails less travelled. Justify the poem “the road not taken”.
The Dead Sea, Jordan:-

While roaming in Jordan, it would be a sin if you don’t visit the lowest point on your home planet. The Dead Sea occupies the territory in both Israel and Palestine and Jordan. Make sure you don’t taste the water which has the highest salt density at the lowest point on earth. It is almost 430 meters below the sea level.
The reason why it is named Dead Sea is that, due to the high salt density, neither plants nor animals can live on it. Also, you don’t need to worry if you don’t know how to swim. The salt density will never let you drown in the not so deep sea.
So, experience the beautiful mountain ranges, untouched beauty, warm waters, and some of the oldest history while you’re still young and have a life. Every place has something for everyone to enjoy. Be up to date and enjoy the beauty of each and every place you visit.